Filming & Animation

Video Showreel
March 31, 2023

Sam Chow's Production Video Showreel 2023.

A look inside the Odoo Hong Kong Office
May 24, 2022

This video is the company culture video of the Odoo Hong Kong office.

Novella Wealth Financial Series
August 15, 2023

This is a video series I have done for Novella Wealth, which is a Canadian Financial Brokers.

Customer Success Stories Serie
April 27, 2022

Our #OdooStories series shares how some of our clients use Odoo in a number of different and interesting ways! Check out how Bangkok Wedding Studio seamlessly manages its sales and rental operations with Odoo.

Odoo Partnership Program Video Series
July 18, 2022

This is the video series to promote Odoo Partnership Program in different language versions. Many businesses need software to keep their everyday operations undisturbed, safe and streamlined. This introduces countless business opportunities to IT service providers like you, to give professional help in implementing a SaaS product.

December 23, 2020

In the so-called "growing up" or the "becoming ideal self" process, it is inevitable to change part of your personalities to fulfil social standards. Otherwise, you will act like a self-centred and naive person. I hate that I was born abnormal, and I wish to live just like a "normal person" who has many friends to play and chat with. Therefore, I tried to learn from others by stumbling and bumping. Years after, people started to accomplish me of being nice. It turned out that others' norms finally accept me, but am I still the true "me"? Maybe you have to kill yourself indeed to survive.

香港伍倫貢學院新校舍介绍- Introducing the new campus of UOW College Hong Kong.
September 12, 2021

This is a video tour for the UOWCHK Sung Wong Toi Campus.

UOWCHK Faculty Introduction Videos
October 10, 2021

This is the video series for introducing different faculties in the UOWCHK.

【《叛·侶》(La traición)正式預告片(Official Trailer)】
April 29, 2021

編劇 導演 周學賢 首次執導 李偉民、黃敏琛 領銜主演 莫嘉熙、李祉昕 傾力演出 【故事大綱】 女主角向晴是一名大專生,曾於2017年入讀大學的文學系。但她為了報讀自己心儀學系報讀了三年也不成功。三年過去, 她的伴侶綺麗一直在身邊支持她。但於第四次面試過後遲遲未有收到取錄通知。在她以為自己又一次失敗時, 遇見為她面試的男教師, 並向她提「有條件取錄」... Directed and Written by Sam Chow Hok Yin Starring Li Wyman, Sam Wong Co-starring Skyguy Mok, Cherley Lee 【Synopsis】 Human is always selfish and self-serving. Some of them even betrayed on other who trusted them a lot for his or her sake. From Greek mythology to nowadays society, we can always notice the fact that betrayal of relationship is such a normal behaviour. In this video, Ching, who had already applied for a school she dreamed of, got rejected again. Her best friend, Yee Lai, was always with her during this painful journey. However, professor of the school was attracted by Yee Lai while she accompanied Ching to attend the school interview. He promised he would consider Ching as the “special cases” to study in the school if Ching helped professor to do something. After Ching knew that what she needed to do, she was shocked and hesitated if she should betray Yee Lai for her sake…

Master of Expressive Arts Therapy - HKUSWSA
April 11, 2022

This is an introduction video for the master program of Expressive Arts Therapy offered by the department of Social Work and Social Administration. The arts have been one of the greatest healing resources throughout history playing a key role deeply engrained within health traditions cross culturally: dancing for healing and rites of passage, painting for contemplation and insight, drama for communication and enactment, music for relaxation and connection, or poetry for expression.

Master of Social Sciences in Behavioral Health - HKU
October 22, 2021

This is an introduction video for the master program of Social Sciences in Behavioral Health offered by the department of Social Work and Social Administration. The Master of Social Sciences in Behavioral Health programme is designed to provide an interdisciplinary learning environment for healthcare and human service professionals to work together on topics related to healthcare and human development. Through a variety of didactic and experiential learning activities, students are inspired to explore the holistic solutions to challenging and ill-defined issues in the frontline services.

"Be the Bagel"
April 9, 2020

People heard of dating app a lot. Some of the guys who are timid and shy may not get to know some new people in their real life. What if the girl you want to date in the dating app suddenly appear in front of your eyes?

快樂心靈雞湯 Ways to be happy
May 17, 2020

世事豈能盡如人意 但在面對困難之時 你會如何令自己變得快樂? 聽過無數建議 看過不少的心靈雞湯 到頭來發現那些方法只是無稽之談 這 才是能令你快樂的 "心靈雞湯"

致: 我愛的理想
April 24, 2020

「我們的故事愛就愛到值得 錯也錯的值得」 從小我就愛着我的理想生活 入讀心儀中學 可以在這得到「我的少女時代」的青春回憶 得到「那些年」的手足之情 然而 理想生活從中學派位一刻一直把我拒緒門外 城大創媒 一直是脫離深淵的出路 一直希望被城大創媒取錄 一直對自己的大學生活充滿憧憬 一直希望離開一個不是自己心儀的中學及斷絕與其一切聯絡 一直希望能認識自己的知心友 即使到現在這刻已被取錄 但經歷過這一切 我也不知道是否愛得「值得」

休止符 Silencio
December 10, 2018

Being an artist was really hard, not to mentioned being an artist in Hong Kong, which is notorious for the lack of support from the locals to their own artists. In this video, Ngai, who was the award-winning lyricist in the past, lost his passion and self-confident because he thought that he could not get the affirmation from others. In order to ignite his passion and self-confident, he was addicted to drugs and thought that it could help him to get back his creative inspiration. However, after he had written the song he satisfied with...